Its Ok not to be OK

Hi all,
Been awhile since an update has appeared. I’ve been more busy during this weird world we are in now than any other time.
Its been easy and its been hard and that’s the thing as the title says just sometimes its ok not to be ok.
Some times we don’t have the support network that we need or the network that we have just doesn’t get it for what ever reason it maybe.
We are all living in a strange world, a different world that we are not used to, told not to do things and in some way had our independence removed all be it temporary (we hope). Most of which is material, no holidays, no little trips, shopping trips for the boring stuff only and a like not, even being able to see loved ones. All things we take for granted.
I don’t want to work from home anymore!
Please don’t struggle on your own reach out to your friends, family and or Brethren. Talk.

You can also reach out to the Masonic Charitable Foundation here.

Hope to see you all when the world is better. Stay Safe